RPG Guide

Description: A guide to the RPG feature on Nintendo 3DS Central!

Categories: Miscellaneous things (Non-video game stuff), Nintendo 3DS Central

Link to this article: Select all

[url=https://www.nintendo3dscentral.com/phpBB3/app.php/kb/viewarticle?a=38&sid=6e6ecc3d2d52e3f6b51583c0c3186ffb]Knowledge Base - RPG Guide[/url]

Quick links:

Create your character here: ucp.php?i=-oxpus-rpg-ucp-main_module&mode=add_char
Manage your character here: ucp.php?i=-oxpus-rpg-ucp-main_module&mo ... =char_info
Manage a group here: ucp.php?i=-oxpus-rpg-ucp-main_module&mode=groups
The RPG topic (requires 200 posts!): viewtopic.php?t=925

RPG Guide:

How to battle:

Click "New Reply" or start a new topic, then find the tab labeled "RPG Tools", check "Battle mode", select an item, decide a fight strength, choose if you want all members of the group you are a part of (provided that you ACTUALLY are part of one!) to fight with you, write your post, and click "Submit"! The bottom of your post will have a percentage meter indicating the overall damage you will deal to your opponent! If the injury meter shows 0%, the attack has failed, and no battle will take place! You will have to try again after that! Then another member with an RPG character repeats the above, and if done correctly, and both members have an injury meter that is at least 1%, an automated post will provide a summary of the battle!


A character has 4 stats: Power, Defencesic, Intelligence, & Vitality! Once ALL FOUR of these stats reach zero, your character will die! Use items on your character page to restore your lost stats in to stay alive! A character has a lifespan of 104 years, where 1 year is equivalent to 1 real life week (7 days)! Therefor, every character has a full lifespan of 2 real life years! Once a character reaches it's 104th year, they will automatically die! Upon death, all items will be lost, and all your money will be gone, too!

More soon!

Items, weapons, and trading:

Guide coming soon!


Coming soon!



Other stuff:

Coming soon, STILL!

If you have any ideas or requests for the RPG system, such as anything you specifically want added to it, let me or Lyn know through a PM, or post it in the topic here: viewtopic.php?t=919

Have fun! :tigCheer