How to enable "MANIA" Mode on Xevious Arrangement
Description: Because I, for the LIFE of me, cannot find it again on the internet, so here you go!
Categories: Video Game Tips & Tricks
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[url=]Knowledge Base - How to enable "MANIA" Mode on Xevious Arrangement[/url]
First, position your Solvalou to the bottom right corner of the screen and drop bombs onto the trees until "This game is dedicated to the original XEVIOUS staff" appears on the bottom of the screen
Second, find and destroy the 2 Sols in Area 1, then get to Area 2 (Go here to find the location of the Sols: ... ent/Area_1)
Upon reaching the heavy forest dividing Areas 1 & 2, position your Solvalou to the LEFT of the screen and start bombing those poor trees until "Special present for you from KOSSY & YAMAM" appears on the bottom of the screen!
If all done right, then you will be in the incredibly little-known (which is why I'm posting it here!) "MANIA" Mode, where the enemies are SUPER DIFFICULT, and the points are SUPER BIG!
Good luck, and SCORE BIG (So you can post it in this thread: viewtopic.php?f=51&t=366&p=1583#p1583)!!!